Owning a beautiful single family townhouse in Manhattan, the city that never sleeps, is a dream come true for some. It’s really the closest thing to owning your own home in a city of high rises and apartment houses. A townhome requires more care and patience than a condo or coop, but owning one with historic townhouse charm can be very satisfying.
Before Covid, prior to when everyone was relegated to wearing masks, NYC townhouses for sale suffered. However, as social distancing instituted by the Center of Disease Control became the norm, the demand for townhouses in the luxury real estate market as a primary residence exploded.
Everybody wanted to be living in New York City and social distance at the same time. Therefore, sales activity of townhomes was at double the rate of demand for condos or coops and up 50% compared to townhouse demand pre-pandemic levels. Properties near Central Park West and conveniently located Lenox Hill saw significant interest. Townhouses on lovely tree lined streets also attracted many buyers.
If you are planning to purchase a townhouse for sale Manhattan has some of the most exciting townhouses in the US. Whether you want a single-family townhouse or multi-family townhouse where you can receive rental income, you can find a selection of them in the search below. Townhouses near Hudson Riverside Park and on picturesque tree lined blocks are particularly appealing. After the set of listings below, check out the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about townhouses.
Manhattan NY offers prime locations for townhouses, including areas near Park and Madison Avenues. These locations are highly desirable due to their access to cultural attractions, shopping, and scenic spots.
Many townhouses are situated on picturesque tree lined blocks, especially picturesque tree lined block neighborhood of the Upper West Side. These areas are known for their charm and blend of historic and modern living.
Explore the real estate listings below to find your dream home for sale in Manhattan NY. Whether you are looking for a single family townhouse located in a prime area or a multi-family property, the vibrant and competitive housing market in Manhattan has something to offer.
A Manhattan townhouse for sale is an expensive option, especially for high-end buyers. New York City townhouses are in limited supply, so expect to pay for the luxury. Luxurious properties like the Lenox Hill limestone mansion, known for its original architectural details and prime location near Central Park, cater to high-end buyers seeking elegant urban living.
Douglas Elliman Townhouse raporuna göre, Temmuz 2022 itibariyle Manhattan'da bir şehir evinin ortalama satış fiyatı 7 milyon dolar veya metrekare başına 1.500 dolar olarak gerçekleşti. Aşağıda fiyatları şehrin bölgelerine göre ayırıyoruz.
Ortalama genişliğin 21,4 feet ve ortalama büyüklüğün 4.674 feet kare olduğu Downtown Manhattan'da NYC satılık şehir evleri için ortalama fiyat 9,2 milyon dolar veya metrekare başına 2.000 dolardı.
The average price for a townhouse on the East Side was $10.1M or $1,758 per square foot and the average width was 20.1 feet. East Side townhomes are approximately 1,000 feet larger, hence the difference in price. The Upper East Side is known for its prime real estate, especially those townhouses located within 1 to 2 blocks from Central Park, which can be $20 million and more.
The average price of a townhouse on the West Side was $6.07M, or $1,139 per square foot. The average size clocked in at 5,439 square feet and these townhomes averaged 19.1 feet.
Northern Manhattan skews the total Manhattan average down quite a bit as the average sales price was much lower at $2.2M or $628 per square foot. These were the thinnest and smallest townhomes, at 18 feet and 3,500 square feet respectively.
In the Luxury segment (top 10% of townhome sales), prices averaged $21.3M or $2,710 per square foot and were huge at 8,115 square feet. These homes were the widest, averaging 25.9 feet wide. The entry level price for the Luxury segment was $12.25M. Realty International Corp townhouse listings often highlight these high-end properties, emphasizing their competitive nature in the New York City market.
The average width of a townhouse in NYC is 18 to 20 feet—the wider the townhouse, the more valuable it is. Townhouses wider than 25ft are considered luxury properties and are likely in the Luxury segment when analyzing townhomes. Anything narrower than this is considered hard to sell.
Çoğu şehir evi 3.000 metrekareden büyüktür ve bazı lüks şehir evleri 10.000 metrekareye kadar çıkabilmektedir. Ancak ortalama büyüklük yaklaşık 4.500 metrekaredir.
Owning a townhouse is most similar to having one’s own home in NYC.
Şehir evlerinin çoğunda eğlence, bahçe işleri, barbekü vb. için arka bahçeler bulunmaktadır.
Bir şehir evinde, tek bir aile evine sahip olduğunuzda üst kat veya alt kat komşuları yoktur.
Kurul yok, bu nedenle kurul görüşmesi veya onayı gerekmiyor.
Ortak masraf veya HOA ücreti yok
Yüksek düzeyde gizlilik
Bazı şehir evleri 9.000 metrekare olabildiğinden, sakinlerin çok geniş yaşam alanlarına sahip olmalarını sağlar.
Bir şehir evinde yaşarken köpek beslemek, bir kümese veya apartman dairesine hapsolmaktansa kendi arka bahçesinde dolaşabileceği bir yerde çok daha kolaydır.
Real estate investors can rent out units in the building and use that cash flow to pay for their mortgage or other cost, even while living in one of the apartments, generating rental income.
NYC şehir genelinde yeşil alanlardan yoksun olduğundan, şehir evi alıcıları arka bahçelerinde kendi yeşil alanlarına sahip olabilecekleri fikrini severler.
Townhouses can be an excellent investment property, providing rental income and potential appreciation in value.
Potentially very expensive if the townhome is a historic residence or needs major repairs as costs can’t be shared among other owners. The owner is responsible for every part of the house.
Fitness merkezi, konsiyerj, 24 saat kapıcı gibi olanaklar yok.
Şehir evleri, özellikle de 20 fitten daha az genişlikteyse, içerideyken sıkışık görünebilir.
Mevcut teknoloji bir asansörün kolayca kurulmasına izin verse de çok sayıda merdiven.
If one decides to rent out the property, they will become a landlord and that can be troublesome for some owners.
Birçok mülk sahibi, mülkle ilgilenmesi için bir mülk yöneticisi tutmak zorunda kalacaktır, aksi takdirde satın aldıklarına pişman olabilirler. İyi bir mülk yöneticisi, dünyanın en pahalı şehrinin ortasında 5.000 metrekarelik bir eve sahip olmanın stresini hafifletebilir.
If one purchases a townhouse with tenants, this can be a real problem. In NYC, rent controlled tenants are impossible to remove from a property. Rent stabilized tenants can’t be removed either, but at least they might leave sooner than a rent controlled tenant.
Dealing with existing lease agreements and tenant rights are perhaps the biggest challenge when buying a NYC townhouse.
New York Şehir Kurallarına göre, şehir evi sahibi mülkün önündeki kaldırımın bakımından sorumludur ve bu da bakım maliyetini artırabilir.
A brownstone is distinguished by the color of its facade, which is a reddish-brown colored sandstone. The majority of brownstones in New York can be found in the Manhattan's Upper West Side, Harlem and Brooklyn. A building that uses a material other than sandstone, such as marble, limestone or brick, is called a townhouse or row house.
Brownstones and Townhouses are multi-story urban houses that are attached or detached. They're built close to the street and sized similarly to the surrounding properties.
Owning a brownstone in Manhattan is a privilege, but renovating one is an ambitious project. They’re versatile investments, but they’re often more than a century old and will need updates.
The cost of living in NYC is very high, therefore, expect the cost of renovations to also be very high. To gut renovate a brownstone or townhouse, expect to spend at least $400 per square foot.
In the luxury segment, we have seen renovation costs to be as high as $1,000 per square foot. Often, brownstones differ from other NYC living in sheer size—an average of 3,200 square feet. This can mean spending millions on a renovation.
In any other city or state, the answer would probably be yes. But, living in New York complicates the answer to this question. But, if you are an investor looking to purchase a property for investment, a NYC townhouse might not be the best option because of some political issues.
Kira kontrollü veya kira dengelemeli kiracılarla birlikte bir şehir evi satın alırsanız, bu kiracılar genellikle mevcut piyasa değerinden daha az öderler. Kira kontrollü kiracısı olan bir şehir evi satın almak belki de bir şehir evi alıcısının yapabileceği en kötü şeydir, çünkü pazarın önemli ölçüde altında ödeme yaparlar ve genellikle ölene kadar dairede kalırlar.
In New York City, there are new laws that make owning property with certain kinds of tenants a big problem for investors. Rent controlled and rent stabilized tenants pay below market prices for their apartments. The city and state regulate how much an investor can raise the rent each year. Tenant issues can complicate the investment potential of a townhouse, making it less attractive for investors.
Ayrıca, bir bina satın alırken kiracıları devraldığınızda, kredi puanları, varlık düzeyleri vb. dahil olmak üzere onlar hakkında çok fazla şey bilmiyorsunuz. Bir sürü sorun satın alıyor olabilirsiniz ve kiralarını zamanında ödeyip ödemediklerini görmek için zaman geçene kadar bir süre bilemezsiniz.
No single neighborhood in New York will have everything you want, but they each have something unique to offer. However, when it comes to single family homes, the tree lined Upper West Side, the prime Upper East Side, the happening Chelsea neighborhood, and the historic West Village have the most townhouses for sale. Usually, you will find brownstones in areas that have lovely tree lined street.
A multi-family townhouse is one with 3 or more units. Buying a multi-family townhouse can provide rental income opportunities, making it similar to buying for investment. In this case, the buyer inherits all the existing leases in the building. Therefore, the new owner can’t evict anyone in the building.
There are a lot of tax benefits in buying a multi-family home that is used by the buyer. First, since the owner is an investor, he or she can deduct all the maintenance costs, mortgage interest, insurance costs, property taxes and depreciation. All of these can be offset against rental income, allowing the owner to have negative taxable income in the early years of ownership.
Bir şehir evi satın almak için durum tespiti yaparken, komisyoncular, alıcının tam olarak ne satın aldığını bildiğinden emin olmak için ev müfettişi ve işlem avukatı ile yakın bir şekilde çalışır.
İlk olarak, durum tespiti, inşaat izinlerini ve kod ve imar ihlallerini gösteren Binalar Dairesi ("DOB") kayıtlarının okunmasını içerecektir. Açık ihlallerin veya açık inşaat izinlerinin kapanıştan önce satıcı tarafından ele alınması gerekecektir.
Second, a home inspection will allow for a visual examination of the property. If one is going to obtain a mortgage, the bank will require a home inspector.
Bir ev müfettişi mülkün yapısını değerlendirecek ve herhangi bir eksiklik hakkında bir rapor hazırlayacaktır. Bir ev denetiminde göz önünde bulundurulması gereken en önemli unsurlardan biri, DOB kayıtlarında görünmeyen evdeki değişikliklerdir.
Çoğu zaman bir ev sahibi üç kuruşa kıymak için lisanslı çalışanlar olmadan iş yapabilir. Ev denetçisi, binada görsel olarak incelenenleri DOB kayıtlarıyla karşılaştırarak hangi işlerin lisanslı marangozlar, tesisatçılar ve elektrikçiler tarafından onaylandığını ve yapıldığını, hangilerinin yapılmadığını tespit edebilir. Lisanssız çalışma büyük bir tehlike işaretidir ve uygun şekilde değerlendirilemediği veya tazmin edilemediği sürece muhtemelen bir anlaşmayı öldürecektir.
Ev denetçisi eksiklikleri tespit ederse, alıcı kapanıştan önce satıcıdan onarım yapmasını isteyecektir. Bazen satıcı bu onarımları yapacaktır, ancak diğer zamanlarda satıcı bu onarımlar için ödeme yapmayı reddedebilir. New York'ta çoğu sözleşme "Olduğu Gibi" yazıldığından, satıcı muhtemelen kapanıştan önce hiçbir şeyi düzeltmeyecektir.
At that point, the buyer needs to assess whether the repairs are critical to the townhome. If so, the repair costs could lead to further price negotiations or credits at closing.
Bir sözleşme, hem satıcı hem de alıcı sözleşmeyi imzalayana kadar sonuçlandırılmadığından, sözleşmeyi imzalamadan önce bu değerlendirmeyi yapmak için biraz zaman olabilir. Bir sözleşme, alıcının sözleşmeyi imzaladıktan sonra sözleşmeden çıkmasına izin verecek bir inceleme süresi içerebilir. Ancak bu durum New York'ta çok yaygın değildir.
A townhouse buyer should definitely engage their own broker when purchasing a townhouse. If you are moving to New York and want to invest in real estate, you should definitely speak to a broker that understands the market, market capitalization rates, and neighborhoods. A broker with market expertise can help identify prospective properties consumers, ensuring that the real estate listings held meet the interests of potential buyers.
The Manhattan real estate market is competitive and complex. For prospective properties consumers, especially buyers of townhomes, this process can be extremely stressful. Financial constraints can present even more hurdles.
Bir şehir evi alıcısı ve satıcısının tamamen farklı iki hedefi vardır; satıcı şehir evi için alacağı fiyatı en üst düzeye çıkarmak isterken, alıcı şehir evi için ödeyeceği fiyatı en aza indirmek ister. Bu hedefler birbirinin tamamen zıttıdır ve bir alıcının asla doğrudan ev sahibine veya temsilcisine (komisyoncusuna) gitmemesinin nedeni budur.
Make sure to use a seasoned buyers broker who has your best interest at heart. Going directly to the seller’s broker is inherently risky and illegal in many states. A buyer’s broker can make a world of difference when buying a home as you will get objective representation.
A good buyer’s broker will always include the expertise of a seasoned home inspector as well as a seasoned NYC real estate attorney (with experience the purchase and sale of NY townhomes), as buying a townhouse will have a whole set of different issues than buying a condo or coop.
While one may not see a New York townhouse for sale on the MLS, it might still be for sale because there are lots of pocket listings in the townhouse market. A good broker will know where to look for off market opportunities and provide transparency about real estate listings held by different brokerage firms.
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New York, NY 10023
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Miami Beach, FL 33139